This form consists of a combination of three forms; Menu Planning Checklist for Customization, Menu Requirements 1, and Menu Requirements 2.

The following Describes the main form that is titled Menu Planning Checklist for Customization. This form consists of a table with a cell spanning the top of the table that includes the title of the form along with the following text: Considerations when customizing the cycle menu: Food combinations should have a variety in texture, color, flavor (sweet, salty, etc.) form or shape, eye appeal and preparation method (baked, fried, etc.).

There are two main columns, labeled Filters and Unit Specific Information, that divide the remainder of the table. The cells under Filters are filled with information but the cells across from them, under Unit Specific Information, are empty. The following information is located within the cells that fall under the Filters heading:

Type of Service
Food Court, Self-service, Waited Service, Branded Formats, Traditional Line.

Customer Food Preferences
Surveys, Comment Cards, Food Committee Meetings, National Data, Regional and Unit Demographic Information.

Contract Requirements

Equipment Limitations
Menu Balance should consider equipment capabilities. Holding times should be reduced to 15 minutes when planning for production of food restaurant quality characteristics in taste, temperature and appearance.


Special Influences
Dietary Restrictions, Seasonal (Holiday), Climate, Special Events, Client Request, Religious, etc.

Financial Parameters

Menu Requirements
This includes your entrees, grill, sides, soups, deserts, fruit, salad bar, beverages, etc.
Marketing Program Guidelines
Culinary Team and Skills