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Course Introduction

 This course was developed to help general managers and production managers better operate their food production operations. This means better quality and consistency, better organization, easier processes to follow, as well as better planning and estimates.
Using a standardized process and standardized documents, such as Planning Records, and following common steps such as conducting Culinary Planning Meetings, will also help managers transition more easily from one division to another or one unit to another. It will facilitate communication on common food management issues. This course provides General Managers, Production Managers, Chefs, and Production Supervisors with the appropriate information and tools necessary to implement the Sodexho Food Management Process. Note: These lessons are appropriate for any interested production staff who would like to increase their understanding and knowledge and aid with career development.

The Food Management Process is divided into seven sections or lessons. Each lesson may include several steps of the process. There are a total of eighteen steps covered in all the lessons. Each step will be covered through a short introduction and a discussion of the purpose, frequency, responsibility, and guidelines. There will be a self check at the end of each step and a final test at the end of the entire lesson. Click here for a flow diagram of the steps and the lesson in which they are covered.

Before you begin, check the lesson Info button at the top of the screen for important information.

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